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Global Reporting InitiativeThe Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-profit organization which was founded in Boston in 1997. GRI provides a comprehensive Sustainability Reporting Framework that is widely used around the world. The Framework enables all organizations to measure and report their economic, environmental, social and governance performance – the four key areas of sustainability.


On May 4th, 2012, GRI has released a Media Sector Supplement  which is a version of the GRI’s Sustainability Reporting Guidelines tailored for the Media sector. It contains reporting guidance of specific relevance to the sector and aims to enable media to produce sustainability reports that address sector-specific impacts in an internationally comparable way. Several references are made in this document to the ISAS BCP 9001 standard developed by the Media & Society Foundation in order to facilitate the practical implementation of sustainable development in the media sector.


The Supplement is divided into different documents which cover all the facets of sustainable development in the media sector :

1- Introductory, profile and governance section

2- Economic section

3- Environmental section

4- Labor and human rights section

5- Society and product responsibility section


It can be downloaded from GRI’s website