Our Certification Schemes

System Certification Schemes


Access to ISAS MEDIA 9001 - Media Industry Database

This database contains only a summary.
If you want to access the complete information,
you need to become an ISAS Member.




Service Certification Schemes


Access to QMS Pharma 2010 - Pharmacies Database

This database contains only a summary.
If you want to access the complete information,
you need to become an ISAS Member.




Competence Certification Schemes


Access to ISAS QMM 2060 - TQM Managers Database

Access to ISAS QMA 2070 - Internal Quality Managers Database

Access to EPIQCS - European Masters's Degree in Quality of Complex Systems Database

This database contains only a summary.
If you want to access the complete information,
you need to become an ISAS Member.