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About ISAS
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About ISAS
Our Mission:
To bring you the most professional and independent expertise in private standardization and accreditation of products and services, systems and personnel.
In line with international standards and practices, the structure of ISAS comprises:
A Board of Accreditation, composed of senior quality experts from the academic and consultancy fields. Each has extensive experience in the design or assessment of complex products/systems and is independent of any commercial or financial interest;
A General Secretary, responsible for day-to-day operations, organizing audits, issuance of certificates of accreditation, maintenance of records, coordinating the work of the Technical Committees;
Technical Committees, which are responsible for the establishment and maintenance of private standards. Four on-line databases are available to our clients, furnishing, detailed information on Private Standards, Accredited Certification Bodies, Accredited Training Companies, Accredited Auditors, Certified Companies/Products/Services, Quality System Managers, Internal Quality Auditors, ISO 9000:2008 Certificates of Competence, EPIQCS Degrees, and Business Intelligence.
For instance, here is the composition of the technical committee for ISAS BCP 9001 Standards (Media Companies).
Chairman: Pierre Caillibot /// President of Accademia Qualitas training center, former chairman of the ISO/TC 176 technical committee responsible for ISO 9000, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Members: Boris Bergant /// Vice-President, European Broadcasting Union, Deputy Director General, Radio-Television Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Kavi Chongkittavorn /// Chairman of South East Asian Press Alliance (SEAPA), Editor, The Nation, Bangkok, Thailand. Mia Doornaert /// former president International Federation of Journalists, diplomatic editor, De Standaard, Brussels, Belgium. Martin Faye /// media consultant, Dakar, Senegal. Prof. Guy Drouot /// Université Paul-Cézanne, Institute of Political Studies, Aix-en-Provence, France. Dr. Karol Jakubowicz /// Council of Europe, National Broadcasting Authority, Warsaw, Poland. Prof. Guo Ke /// Shanghai International Studies University, China. Wilfred Kiboro /// Chairman of International Press Institute (IPI), CEO The Nation, Nairobi, Kenya. Prof. Stuart H. Loory /// School of Journalism, University of Missouri, Editor of The IPI Journal, Columbia, USA. Prof. Ana Maria Miralles /// Latin American representative of the Media & Society Foundation, Universidad Bolivariana, Medellin. Colombia. Ian Morrisson /// Friends of Canadian Broadcasting, Toronto, Canada. Javad Mottaghi /// Director of the Asia-Pacific Institute for Broadcasting Development, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Prof. Jamal Eddine Naji /// University of Rabat, Morocco. Alejandro Miro Quesada /// Chairman Inter American Press Association (IAPA), Director El Comercio, Lima, Peru. Jayme Sirotsky /// Former chairman World Association of Newspapers (WAN), chairman Rede Brasil Sur, Brazil. Joe Thloloe /// media consultant, Johannesburg, South Africa. Moegsen Williams /// Editor, The Star, Johannesburg, South Africa. Henrikas Yushkiavitchus /// former Minister for telecommunications of the USSR, former assistant director general of UNESCO, in charge of information and communication, now adviser to the director general of UNESCO.
ISAS What?
ISAS is a private, independent company specialized in:
1. Assessment of complex products, systems and competencies
2. Accreditation of certification bodies and entities based on private, unofficial accreditation schemes
3. Registration of competencies
4. Implementation of private non-official standards (preparation, maintenance and updates).
ISAS Where?
From its offices located in North America, Europe and the Far East, ISAS operates all around the world with a team of senior auditors who are fluent in at least two of the following languages:
English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Mandarin.
Many companies, trade & consumer associations, governmental & non-governmental bodies around the world are increasingly facing the problem of independently evaluating the compliance of products, services, systems, processes or personnel against predefined official or non-official quality requirements.
For verification of compliance with official quality requirements, such as standards supported by national or international standardization bodies (e.g. ISO, IEC, ITU, etc.), the solution is well defined: a duly accredited certification body conducts the assessment and, if satisfied, establishes a certificate of conformity.
For verification of compliance with non-official quality requirements, the situation is less clear since national accreditation bodies normally accredit only certification bodies based on official standards.
The solution offered by ISAS is to act as a private international standardization & accreditation body which assists trade & consumer associations, public & private companies, governmental & non-governmental organizations throughout the process from the initial establishment of a private or unofficial standard, its maintenance and update to the accreditation of certification bodies and the registration of auditors.